The 30 Day Photo Challenge – And Hello 2014

The first month of 2014 has disappeared before my eyes. I returned from a 12-night cruise on 9th of January, and I went back to work on the 11th and then returned to Uni on the 13th. After a short break over Christmas and New Years, my routine was back in full-swing before I knew it. I also came to the realisation that OMD had been neglected for an extensive period of time.

I aim for OMD to reflect all the minor (and major) details that my life entails. If anything, I want my true passions and inspirations to shine through on this blog, as well any Uni assessments and pieces that I feel may appeal to the readers. There is no better feeling then feeling motivated and inspired. 

One thing in life truly appreciate and enjoy is photography. The most unusual moments in life catch my eye – where all I want to do is take a picture and remember it. Purchasing a GoPro before my holiday was one of the best purchase-decisions I have ever made. While I am yet to purchase my first SLR Camera (one day), I am momentarily satisfied with the iPhone 5S camera that I discovered upon upgrading my phone a month ago.

To really encourage myself to frequently post, I have decided to try the ’30 Day Photo Challenge’. 



One of my girlfriends recently posted this on Pinterest. I thought I would try and give it a go…

Day 1 – Self Portrait (Snapped in the car on the way to work)



I wish I could have gone to more effort then a ‘selfie’ in the car! There is nothing more I enjoy then creatively organising a photo; however I will be using my iPhone most of the time, which also means that most of the time my photos will be taken on-the-go.

Let’s see how this goes! 

Oh and PS… Happy Belated New Year everyone xo

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