Day 7 – A new day, a new beginning

My two favourite times of the day are sunrise and sunset. Sunrise symbolises a new day, a new beginning. Sunset is a sign of accomplishment, a sign that you have made it through yet another day. If it is a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night, sometimes sunset can symbolise the moment where you can really begin to let your hair down. People go crazier at night, it’s as if the night can reveal our naughty alter-ego at times.

Day 7 of the photo challenge is ‘Using the rule of 1/3’. At first I was little unsure as to what this meant, until I figured out that it can be a photographer’s favourite rule to follow.


Two of my good friends happen to live 50 metres away from the beach. This sunrise was absolutely epic. You can see the sun trying to break through the clouds, while part of the coastline’s lights remain flickering; under a false sense of darkness.

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