Day 8 – Time stands still

As I get older, the more I appreciate time. Time is precious, time is translucent, time is a gift.

Many of us take time for granted, not truly recognising it’s value. I had a discussion with my close girlfriend the other day, how we don’t understand the concept of boredom. How can you be bored? How can you sit there and think there is nothing to do with your time? 

I beg to differ. If I have the time, I make the most of the time. Some of us live in a small world. I believe we live in a world with endless opportunities and adventures. We must cherish our “spare” time.

Day 8 of the photo challenge is ‘The sky where you are’. I decided to take a 5-minute detour before I came home. I drove to one of my favourite spots to watch the sunset. Sometimes there is simply nothing better.


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